Why Bowl League?

Currently working on promotional material for spring league & got curious to ask bowlers.

What is league plays biggest selling point in your opinion?

What should bowling alleys try to do grow their league play? All aspects: seniors, adults, youth.

Have you ever bowled in a spring league?

What most influences your decision to play in a league?

— Cost
— Time
— Day of the Week
— Length of league
— Location
— Theming
— Ability to convince teammates / friends.

I bowl in a league because practice can be a lonely pursuit, so league play gives me a chance to not feel so alone. I also have the chance to bowl with some people I like to spend time with. I don’t need it to be especially social, but rather fun-competitive. Our Doubles Matchplay format balances fun and competition in a way that’s even better than I’d expected.

I would probably continue to bowl in a league without regard to cost, length, and theming. I’m very sensitive to location, since I don’t drive. There is a Friday night league that I would bowl in if I had a reliable ride, even though it’s 45 minutes in each direction by car. I don’t have constraints for day of the week nor time, but that’s in part because I live a 7-minute walk from the lanes. I don’t give a single thought to being able to convince teammates or friends; I just bowl with whoever’s there until I dislike too many of them. (That hasn’t threatened to happen yet.)

I’m going to answer this survey style, if you need more info let me know!

What is league plays biggest selling point in your opinion?

  • it gets me out of the house and playing consistently. It guarantees me playing with my friends

What should bowling alleys try to do grow their league play? All aspects: seniors, adults, youth.
I’m not sure to be honest, I think ensuring the time of day works best for the target demographic is key.

Have you ever bowled in a spring league?
Yes. The theme of it didn’t influence me at all, it was the fact it was the house I already played in, and I wanted to keep playing to be ready for nationals.

What most influences your decision to play in a league?
Ease. Easy for me to get to, right time of day, right day of the week. The lanes are 10 minutes from work and 25 from home. It’s a hop skip and a jump for me to get there. Theme…meh. Doesn’t really do anything for me, BUT I think for people wanting to explore options, for something to do in the office season, a themed league is a fantastic idea.