We need a snazzy logo!

I don’t know from graphic design and I have no eye, so I didn’t even try to make a logo for this forum. It’s called “5-Pin Talk”. That’s the whole brief. Make us a kick-ass logo or a lovely logo or a simple logo… the bar is pretty low to start.

No, you don’t have to do them all. Contribute what you have time and energy for and we’ll figure out the rest together. It takes a village.

Here’s what we need:

  1. Main Logo. The logo image at the top left of your site. Use a wide rectangular image with a height of 120 and an aspect ratio greater than 3:1. If left blank, the site title text will be shown.
  2. Small Logo. The small logo image at the top left of your site, seen when scrolling down. Use a square 120 × 120 image. If left blank, a home glyph will be shown.
  3. Digest Logo. The alternate logo image used at the top of your site’s email summary. Use a wide rectangle image. Don’t use an SVG image. If left blank, the image from the logo setting will be used.
  4. Mobile Logo. The logo used on mobile version of your site. Use a wide rectangular image with a height of 120 and an aspect ratio greater than 3:1. If left blank, the image from the logo setting will be used.
  5. Dark Mode Logos, which counterparts to all the above, but for a dark theme.
  6. Large Icon. Image used as the base for other metadata icons. Should ideally be larger than 512 x 512. If left blank, logo_small will be used.
  7. Manifest Icon. Image used as logo/splash image on Android. Will be automatically resized to 512 × 512. If left blank, large_icon will be used.
  8. Favicon. A favicon for your site, see Favicon - Wikipedia. To work correctly over a CDN it must be a png. Will be resized to 32x32. If left blank, large_icon will be used.
  9. X Card Image. An X card ‘summary large image’ (should be at least 280 in width, and at least 150 in height, cannot be .svg). If left blank, regular card metadata is generated using the opengraph_image, as long as that is not also a .svg. Just in case someone wants to post a topic or a comment to X for some strange reason.

Something like this maybe?

Quite good, thank you!

Not the microphone motif, unless we branch out into a radio program.[1] :wink: Something more like bulletin board or people talking to each other.

It’d be most excellent if:

  • the pins were 5-pin pins, not 10-pin pins
  • the pins were people talking to each other

I’d be perhaps concerned that it looks too much like the Pinsanity logo, and I don’t want to step 5PL/5PU’s toes, but that’s the idea that comes to mind.


I need to learn how to get decent results from these image-generating systems. Everything I’ve tried so far looks awful.

  1. I have no intention of branching out into a radio program. ↩︎

I’m using chat.openai.com, GPT 4 with DALL-E (paid version, $20/month).

Here’s another crack for a draft/inspiration.

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Notice anything different?

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Nice! I’ll make a transparent version and favicon, etc.

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I was lazy—or ruthlessly incremental—it’s hard to distinguish them from the outside.