GC Challenge: Regina, April 19-21, 2024


It’s nice when an event has a web site with all the information you need and a way to sign up. This would be a great way to support more tournaments around the country, rather than forcing people to be on Facebook to know what the hell is going on. Excellent! :heart:

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I made a calendar for O5 events, but we need a place for ALL events not on Facebook. Yay. Discourse has an event manager :open_mouth:. Events Plugin 📆 - plugin - Discourse Meta

When I first started 5 pin 3 years ago, I was completely lost. I’m still a bit lost. We need this bad.

O5 events: https://b5pba.ca/events/month/


Task placed in Inbox. I’ll get to it.


Trying to manage the countless groups and pages on my personal facebook is no fun. This is much better.

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